A story that haunts
This author is well known to many, "Practical Magic" author, although I found the book darker than the shining movie. To me, Alice Hoffman always mystifies me. Not the fast, formula, what's hot NOW author. After I read this author, my nerve endings are sparking, my brain and limited academic shine, are scrambling to know more, understand perspective, both from the surface story and the human messaging I am coming to understand her writing evokes. The Museum of Extraordinary Things! What do I think about this story of hardship, poverty, child abuse, inequality, asshole rich pasty bloodsuckers......as you see, the coming of age, lovestory of two young people fighting to exist was struggling for position . I am very pleased the female characters are REAL & capable. This author may Fantisize names, but human character , she nails 1911, referred to as " modern" set in a place that has seen tragedy upon tragedy. Those who were ...