Creative Rescue
When daycares closed I dashed to the North Pole ( North Bay Ont.) to be with my grand-daughter. My imagination being my best asset, we tamed unicorns, daily tea parties and mended princess gowns. The older boys had daily cooking lessons, I even provided a New Rock fry pan & soft spatula for flipping their endless creations. When Mom & Dad were sent home, this Nana flew back to her new nest. Carrying on my yard cleanup and welcoming the songbirds eased me back to the harsh reality. Now, let's see what NEW things I can explore! Podcasts! Like listening to the radio before TV! Hahahahah I found two that held me in place. DEVIANT WOMEN..........two fun, hilarious Australian gals who have me hanging on every word! Even the cursing exactly in the proper places! Historical stories of " deviant women" You really MUST go to your App Store & download from Apple, Spotify or I don't know where else and listen to no...