Sociable as Zelda Fitzgerald
What to do, what to do? I am no longer the " captain" but merely a stowaway and I must reinvent myself. All the Fabulous women do. I recently went out & got a library card ( remember this is my hometown) thankfully unrecognized. Then I came across an event that caused the goosebumps! Historical Fiction Book Club, Oakville Museum, February book, Z ...A Novel Zelda Fitzgerald . If that is not a lightenbolt message what is? ( Mom worked at this museum , I would wait for her OUTside! Her little black swan of the family.) Now. invisible, I gathered all the information I needed to attend in February after reading Zelda's book. Yes, Lightenbolt! If you have read, or seen the movie, Zelda & I have several similarities. I will report back here if I was welcomed or WELcomed! Oakville Histoical Museum Last post I was apprehensive about the book " B...