
Literary Bad Patch, but back on Track!

My reading choices took a nasty turn for awhile after I found the book in the library by Susan Hill. ( previous blog post) " Howard's End is on the Landing" I tried to change my choice of reading, broaden my limited horizons, more high brow less Magic. Well I failed miserably.  Book after book, I struggled, even the HOT new one, I wondered "What The Hell is this?" Classic to Pulitzer contender, I shut down, ( Names withheld, as my reaction is one of a kind). Sulking didn't help so I just shock it off and piled the alien books to one side.  Now, where is my historical, magical, dark or all three !!!!! In one! First glance, and beaming intuition this one would save my humiliation Debut novel, Historical, Magical, Intrigue, and just dark enough!  I rejoiced! The very first chapter grabbed me and I couldn't stop! Page turner, suspense, historical, magic, strong female characters, brilliant writing!  I await her next novel out very soon!  ( no sp...

Creative Rescue

When daycares closed I dashed to the North Pole ( North Bay Ont.)  to be with my grand-daughter. My imagination being my best asset, we tamed unicorns, daily tea parties and mended princess gowns.  The older boys had daily cooking lessons, I even provided a New Rock fry pan & soft spatula for flipping their endless creations.  When Mom & Dad were sent home, this Nana flew back to her new nest.   Carrying on my yard cleanup and welcoming the songbirds eased me back to the harsh reality. Now, let's see what NEW things I can explore! Podcasts!    Like listening to the radio before TV!  Hahahahah I found two that held me in place. DEVIANT WOMEN..........two fun, hilarious Australian gals who have me hanging on every word! Even the cursing exactly in the proper places!  Historical stories of " deviant women" You really MUST go to your App Store & download from Apple, Spotify or I don't know where else and listen to no...

What TIME is it? March madness? Time!

The March hare & I do take on  the same look this time of year. Moody March, indeed. My new way of life as  solo crone is of need of some spicing up. Watching  snow melt isn't quite what I have in mind. I roamed downtown to our library, and I always check the cast away books. Over the years, in the many places I have lived, I have found excellent books this way, plus I donate extra for the Library. Where I live now is the fanciest library I have visited ( since I was youngster & this library was just built & grand opening) in decades, the cast away books have their own alcove & bench to quietly choose from the 3! bookshelves.   It was a treasure hunt! I was overwhelmed with the titles. But tucked & cramped down the side of the bookshelves was a colourful, unique size book, pristine dust jacket, caught my eye!  What? author Susan Hill ( The Women in Black)  " Howard's End is on the Landing" ( I loved the movie with Emma Thompso...

A story that haunts

This author is well known to many, "Practical Magic"  author, although I found the book darker than the shining movie.  To me, Alice  Hoffman always mystifies me. Not the fast, formula, what's hot NOW author.  After I read this author, my nerve endings are sparking, my brain and limited academic shine, are scrambling to know more, understand perspective, both from the surface story and the human messaging I am coming to understand her writing evokes. The Museum of Extraordinary Things!  What do I think about this story of hardship, poverty, child abuse, inequality, asshole rich pasty you see, the coming of age, lovestory of two young people fighting to exist was struggling for position . I am very pleased the female characters are REAL & capable.  This author may Fantisize names, but human character , she nails 1911, referred to as " modern" set in a place that has seen tragedy upon tragedy. Those who were ...

Roses are Black, Violets are Blue

" But he who dares not grasp the thorne Should Never crave the Rose"                                      Anne Bronte'                                       1820 Well, it is here once again.  Those who know me, expect dark, lovely, luring vampire music & images celebrating this eventless day.  Alas! I choose to celebrate love ❤️ of family & friends!  On both I am blest. The historical book club thing dissolved mainly do to death of my grandsons grandma.  Death & Birth are morality markers as one ages, as well, triggers unresolved issues.  Supporting the young man during his first such life event was what we both! needed that day. Therese Anne Fowler This was the chosen read for the historical fiction book club, and I enjoyed every page! ...

Sociable as Zelda Fitzgerald

What to do, what to do?  I am no longer the " captain" but merely a stowaway and I must  reinvent myself.  All the Fabulous women do. I recently went out & got a library card ( remember this is my hometown) thankfully unrecognized. Then I came across an event that caused the goosebumps!  Historical Fiction Book Club, Oakville  Museum,  February book, Z ...A Novel Zelda Fitzgerald .  If that is not a lightenbolt message what is? ( Mom worked at this museum , I would wait for her OUTside!   Her little black swan of the family.)  Now. invisible, I gathered all the information I needed to attend in February after reading Zelda's book.   Yes, Lightenbolt!  If you have read, or seen the movie, Zelda & I have several similarities. I will report back here if I was welcomed or WELcomed!  Oakville Histoical Museum Last post I was apprehensive about the book " B...

2020 🖤 Roaring 20's / Crystal Vision

It is a NEW everything for me!  Back in my hometown , imagining what is possible. Last time I asked myself that was 50 years ago.  Now I have maturity & wisdom on my side! Hahahaha! They will arrive, eventually! I went out BOOK shopping with my sister after the children were back in their confinement, I knew the roads & shop would be calm, suitable for my outing.  Cleverly armed with a list, march straight to computer to see how many I would carry home.  One! after careful planning, reading reviews, asking myself " do you REALLY" want to read that? One book was to ticked OFF!  So cruising the shelves with my sister ( who has a book club) she took photos for consideration, I was wondering what the hell is taking my favorite authors so dam long!  Also I prefer soft covers now as I know how heavy they all are to carry down stairs & load in small car. Why was my sister pointing to Self Help section? Last post, I declared I would read the...